In order to let your display ads be seen by the right users at the right time, we created an interface
where you can manage, optimize, and run your campaigns in real-time.
AI algorithms automatically manage your bids to offer the optimal price for an impression and keep your budget sound.
We show your ads only to the real people. Quality of impressions is guaranteed by partnerships with international traffic validators and by in-house tools.
Turn unconverted users into customers. Remind them about your offer by launching retargeting campaigns on different screens and channels.
You can set up preferable placements, channels, ad resolutions, view frequency, and budget spend to let campaign hit the right KPI.
Integration with our internal DMP connects both DSP and SSP platforms to the extended targeting options which make advertising relevant, and results in higher view-ability, win-rate, and ROI.
Useful insights about campaign performance, including number of Impressions, Spend, CPM, eCPM, CTR, etc. can be generated via daily report or through API reporting link.
This all we can do for you on manage-serve DSP! Our dedicated team of account managers will assist you on
every stage of campaign development: from the very start to optimizing CPMs, GEOs, publishers, demand type,
traffic verticals according to your objectives and KPI.
Want to be in the driver’s seat? Then choose a self-serve DSP and navigate
your campaigns independently.
Address your future customers in all countries, on all screens and devices. Select who and when to target
according to geo, IP, OS, time of the day and more! Join advantageous marketplaces all over the world via RTB
or directly at GothamAds Programmatic Hub.