Programmatic Native Advertising: main benefits

Programmatic Native Advertising: main benefits

As online digital advertising advances, it becomes harder for brands to use ads that build trust in their audience. Native advertising provides an alternative that creates a raw format of digital ads. The main goal of a native advertisement is to fit into the web page layout while exposing audiences to paid content.


Some Statistics About Native Advertising



In recent years, native advertising has undergone hyper-growth. For example, 68% of consumers trust native ads seen in an editorial context, compared to 55% for social media ads, according to Outbrain-Sevanta research.


Native ads are 62% easier to understand than display ads and 31% easier to understand than social ads. So long-term native campaigns are more cost-effective. Native campaigns running more than six months have a 36.4% lower average CPC than campaigns running six months or less.


Most Popular Types Of Native Ads



  1. Native video ad. This type typically has video streaming capacity on the sidebar or a webpage. It can be in the format of stand-alone videos and in the form of pre-roll (before the main video content), mid-roll (during the video), or post-roll (after the video).
  2. In-app native ads. This type of native advertising is shown within a mobile application. In-app native ads are designed to match the look and feel of the app where they are being displayed. This makes them less intrusive and more seamless for users, which can help increase engagement and conversions.
  3. In-article ads. It is a native advertising unit that are placed within the body of an article. It may contain text links, images, or videos, and are typically inserted into the middle of the content.
  4. In-feed advertising. It is the most common type of native advertising, which is composed of an image, headline, and short description. You can find it in the main body of the content on a website or app.
  5. Recommendation widget. This type of native advertising can include related stories, articles, videos, or products that are similar to the one being viewed. They are typically placed at the bottom or on the sides of a publisher’s content and can be identified by the tags.


Why Do Advertisers Prefer Native Advertising


  • Native ads are more effective than display ads as consumers tend to look at them 53% more and they create an 18% increase in purchase intent. The visual engagement with native ads is also comparable to, and sometimes even higher than, the original editorial content. 
  • Native advertising helps to combat ad fatigue, which is when the audience becomes disinterested in seeing ads. Since native ads are disguised as editorial content, as long as the content is relevant and interesting, they can engage the audience without tiring them out. 
  • Despite consumers knowing that native ads are a form of advertising, they still have a significant effect on purchase behavior, according to a Stanford University study.


Which Benefits Does Programmatic Native Advertising Include


Programmatic advertising based on real-time bidding and leveraging machine learning. Native advertising and programmatic work very effectively together. Thanks to this it will be shown only to users whose characteristics are most suitable for serving impressions. At the same time, the purchase of native advertising placement will be automated, and the campaign itself will be optimized in real time.


Programmatic ad buying allows advertisers to bypass negotiations with publishers or content marketers. This method allows for targeted native ads to be displayed specifically to the intended audience, without risking ad fatigue.


According to Nielsen and IPG Media research conducted for Sharethrough, programmatic native ads are more likely to be read and shared by audiences. It is also better at driving in-store traffic than standard display ads, according to a Sharethrough and Placed study. Native ads are more user-friendly as they blend in with the surrounding content, making them less disruptive than display ads that suffer from banner blindness. A good native ad is valuable to users because it provides compelling content that leads to video watching and signups. 


Thanks to programmatic, advertisers can access a large number of publishers. The ad buying process occupied seconds and performed purchasing on behalf of the media buyer.


GothamAds integrate programmatic native advertising services. We help our clients target ads that match the look, feel, and function of the site on which they appear in order to ensure optimal contextual relevance.